Understanding Felling License Applications For Arborists

Continued Professional Development

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The consensus was that most illegal fells were carried out by arboriculture contractors (tree surgeons) and not forestry contractors. Research suggest that the quality of applications, in particular mapping, was poor and rejected frequently.

Using mensuration techniques, the course will aid arborists in determining whether felling licenses are needed along with felling licence legislation which is an often-overlooked aspect of tree removal, in both urban or peri-urban settings.

The course will enable participants to understand the legislation around felling license applications for arborists, in what settings they are required and a brief guide to creating professional applications.

You will learn:

  • Knowing when a felling license is necessary for arborists timber volumes
  • Height and diameter measurement in conjunction with Forestry commission tariffs
  • Differentiate between Tree Preservation Orders/Conservation Areas and Felling license requirements
  • Have an understanding of where to find license applications

Course details

Dates & Location

To register your interest for this course click here.


1 day course

10:00 - 15:00



Lunch included.

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