Sustainability In Action
Our Progress So Far
Across the college, we've comimitted to reducing our carbon footprint through small and steady transformations.

Food and Farming
- Feeding our own crimped barley/pea mix to dairy cows to cut down on carbon emissions (308 round trip miles saved)
- Selling our beef to a local producer, for sale in Brighton butcher shops, cutting down food miles
- Researching staff boxes for Christmas meat and selling meat produce in the Dining Room and at our Stamner Campus, One Garden Brighton

Land and Environment
- Planted most of our wheat with minimum tillage techniques, less diesel usage than conventional ploughing, and saving approximately three tonnes a hectare of C02 emissions
- Planted 24Ha for home milling and feeding to the cows
- All maize stubbles have been undersown with westerwold grass; this will minimise soil erosion during winter
- Planting trees and wildflowers beside the piggery
- Researching grant funding options for rainwater harvesting will allow us to reuse the rainwater that lands on our roofs, limiting the amount that ends up in streams

- Huge decrease in Resident students throwing away Vegware takeaway boxes in the common room and bedroom bins
- Plumpton Preloved in October 2023 at lunch times with emphasis on 'take what you need' and clothes, PPE and equipment donated from cross college

Reducing Emissions
- Plumpton 'Car Sharing' Scheme introduced reducing number of cars at busy times and reducing carbon emissions
- Two electric vehicle charging points at AgriFood Centre and outside Sports Hall

Grounds and Gardens
- The Grounds and Garden team have been mulching the borders around campus using rotted-down green waste from arisings created on the College grounds Approximately 20m3 of compost has been generated, saving 50% of CO2 emissions had the waste been disposed of alternatively, locking the carbon in the soil. Saving carbon transport miles and £800 from otherwise buying in
- Areas of long grass and spent wildflowers aren't being cut down purposely, to provide over wintering habitat for invertebrates and small mammals.
- 63x standard trees planted within the new AgriFood Centre car park. The planting made available to curriculum groups where it is most relevant to their syllabus
- Following on from the tree planting will be the sowing of wildflower meadows beneath and around the trees
- Completion of native hedge planting along Wales Farm Lane, sequestering carbon and providing a natural corridor for wildlife through nectar, berries, nesting site and protection from predation
- Reduce fleet vehicle mileage by 10% annually on business travel
- Electricity reduced 8%
- Printing reduced 8%
- 29 staff registered for the Lift Share scheme
- 100% of electricity from renewable sources
- Over 20 live projects across all aspects of the college
- 139 individuals engaged in planting schemes
- 50% fuel switched to Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (or other biofuel) on farm vehicles
- 50% electric vehicle fleet
- 50% reduction in National Grid energy reliance by 2030
- 50% reduction by 2030 in Heating Oil
- 100% electric vehicle fleet
- 90% fuel switched to Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (or other biofuel) on farm vehicles
- Heating oil eliminated
- Transition to electric forges
- 100% electric farm vehicles
- 5% annual reduction to zero emissions
- Assumptions: 90% of commuter cars are electric vehicles