Personal Development

Our Personal Development Programme supports students to become independent, healthy people, who are ready to be responsible citizens, contribute to society and who are kind and considerate to others. We aspire for students to think critically, act responsibily and to know how to solve their own problems.
We ensure students have the knowledge needed surrounding personal finance, health, wellbeing and careers. Furthermore, we seek to develop their skills in being able to put that knowledge into practice in their daily and future lives. We aspire to develop their attitudes and values so that they have opinions about key aspects of society and know how to appropriately share their own and also challenge other people’s opinions.
Every term, we have an over-arching theme, such as respect or diversity and then the personal development sessions usually cover one topic per weekly session. Programmes are differentiated based on level of study and the needs of the group.
OFSTED MARCH 2024 - “Students benefit from an outstanding personal development curriculum. Leaders and staff provide students with a wide range of activities and opportunities that develop their interests and talents. Students benefit from enrichment activities and additional qualifications that are of exceptional quality.”
Personal Development Programme at Plumpton
Level 1 students cover similar topics to the KS4 programme of study for PSHE. Students therefore re-visit and develop their understanding of the topics that they are familiar with from school. Discussion is key to exploring opinions that need to be challenged or further explored. The Student Development Coaches use a variety of adaptive teaching and facilitating methods to encourage all learners to contribute and to extend themselves.
Level 2 students covers a more in-depth exploration of themes, using a range of methods of delivery to explore, understand and enquire further about issues that directly affect students both now or in the future. Developing essential skills is also a current theme underlying the programme, these are aligned to the Skills Builder Essential Skills: Speaking, Listening, Creative Thinking, Problem Solving, Staying Positive, Aiming High, Teamwork and Leadership.
Level 3 students covers all the above, with a greater emphasis on being ready for the world of work and/or further study and also being an independent adult. Therefore, areas such as financial literacy, healthy cooking and life skills play a greater part.
Plumpton Ski Trip - December 2024
- Where: Passo Tonale, Italian Dolomites.
- When: Saturday 14th December to Saturday 21st December 2024
- Who: Open to all Plumpton FE Students
- Total Cost: £1350
Price includes:
- Return flights including airport taxes.
- Transfers between Plumpton College and Gatwick Airport
- Transfers between the overseas airport and our hotel - Hotel Mirella, Paso Tonale.
- Full medical and travel insurance – exclusions may apply.
- 7 nights full board accommodation based on multi-bedded rooms. Drinks with meals other than breakfast are not included.
- 6 day hire of skis, boots, poles and helmets.
- 6 x 4 hours ski tuition.
- 6 day local lift pass.
- Resort representative service.
Not included in the price:
- Adult lift pass supplement may be applicable for any students aged 18+
- Carriage of skis/snowboards as stipulated by the airline (we recommend you use the skis provided in the resort)
- Drinks with lunch and dinner (water will of course be available)
- We would like to make a Ski Trip hoodie available for those who would like it. This is an optional extra and not essential
- You will need to provide your own suitable ski clothing (jacket, trousers, socks and gloves), ski helmets are provided. A kit list will be provided.
We feel that this trip represents excellent value for money, because of 4 hours of ski school per day, it includes all meals and also that we are travelling by air. We have specifically selected this resort as it has a good snow record and we are obviously hoping for good conditions for this week, early in the winter season. We highly recommend this trip for those who have not skied before, but welcome those who have previously skied too. Snowboarding is not an option on this trip as it incurs significantly extra costs and a requires guaranteed minimum number.
If you have any questions please contact Claire Barr, Student Personal Development Manager
A non-refundable deposit of £350 is required to secure a place. Then £500 before the end of June and £500 before the end of September. A monthly payment plan can also be arranged.
We have some exciting trips coming up such as Thorpe Park (April 2024), Brussels (Sept 2024), Nepal World Challenge (June 2025) and more!
Albion in the Community
These workshops built on our Diversity theme, by giving students opportunities to see how some sports have been adapted for those with disabilities.
It really opened my eyes to what it must be like if you are partially sighted.
It was amazing to realise how much skill it takes to play these sports (especially the blind football).
Christmas Community Fair and Fundraiser
Level 1 Floristry students created table decorations to sell. They had to price-up the raw materials, make the decorations and then sell them. Interacting with members of the public was a new experience for many of them - and they loved it! They developed skills in volunteering, enterprise, inter-personal, financial planning.
2020Dreams Workshop
Workshops built around our theme of relationships gave our students knowledge about equality, misogyny and sexual harassment.
I personally thought that the workshop went really well and I liked that there was a lot of debating.
It was an amazing workshop, only wish I had more time.