Gender Pay Gap Report 2021
01:00 - 01:00
- The average rate of pay for women at the College is lower then men. In 2021 we saw a slight increase partly driven to the departure of our previous Vice Principal. The 2022 date will see a reduction in the hourly pay gap owing to 3 female Senior Management Team appointments.
- 51% of our highest paid staff (top quartile) are female.
- The College’s median hourly rate of pay (5.7%) for women tracks more favourably than other land-based colleges (13.1%).
- Roles at the College have a defined pay range that is consistently applied.
Sarah Jeffers, HR Director at Plumpton College responds to some key questions about our Gender Pay Gap report for 2021, reporting now in 2022.
So how has the College continued to achieve results significantly lower than other land-based colleges, and the national mean hourly pay gap of 17.3%?
We continue to advertise on a wide number of recruitment platforms ensuring that we reach out to as many possible candidates as we can, attracting the best candidates regardless of gender.
We ensure that we have a fair and robust selection campaign that includes a range of appropriate tasks that will we would expect the candidate to perform in role. These can include micro teach, presentation, interview, technical desk-based analysis or performance management activities. Selection activities are fairly scored by a panel, reducing any bias. The right candidate is then selected for the role.
All roles are graded and have a range applied. It’s recognised that it is harder for women to negotiate salaries so clear, advertised ranges for each role provides fairness and parity regardless of gender. We regularly review roles and ensure the right salary has been applied to level of responsibility required.
Staff have an annual review which provides an opportunity for managers to identify high performing staff suitable for career progression and promotion opportunities. We have a culture of openness, trust and empowerment and create opportunities for our staff to talk openly with their managers at 1-2-1s and appraisals about future opportunities.
So, what are the next steps to further reduce the pay gap?
One of the College’s priorities is a focus on the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda. A recent conducted externally facilitated audit has highlighted areas for focus and gender equality continues to feature heavily in the College’s future plans. An EDI Committee has been convened, chaired by a newly appointed EDI Officer role (Larna). College wide training and development, policy review and ways of working are all being considered under the lens of equality.
Do you have any last comments?
The college is committed to ensuring all staff are treated fairly. We strive to develop a culture of openness and transparency where all staff feel included and are treated with respect.
Learn more about our history
Since the original 400-acre College farm was bought back in 1919, Plumpton College has certainly seen a lot of changes.
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