Written by 19 September 2018 10:43 - 10:43
Football –
We have exciting news of our new Football Academy, with intakes of females for this September (2019).
Click here for the full story
Sailing – Written by Charlie Knight, Sailor
There has been lots of hard work and effort on the water this week, especially for the Dinghy Instructor candidates who have their assessment just around the corner.
Today [13th February] was the last chance for the Dinghy Instructor candidates to practice their skills before the DI course starts this weekend. The candidates were joined by ex-student, now Senior Instructor Katy Wilfort, who put them through their paces practicing pre assessment drills.
The other half of the group went afloat in Toppers to take part in race starting drills with the aim to improve their upwind sailing and race techniques.
We ended the day with half an hour of free sailing for the important consolidation of skills. Another good day (slightly warmer) day on the pond.
Enrichment –
We have had badminton, basketball, football, table tennis, dodgeball and benchball this week as a part of the sport enrichment at lunch and in the evening for residents.
We have had quite a few new students attending the sessions which is great to see!
Learn more about our history
Since the original 400-acre College farm was bought back in 1919, Plumpton College has certainly seen a lot of changes.
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