Plumpton College demonstrates STEM in the land and environment sector at the South of England Show 2021
01:00 - 01:00
Keen to demonstrate the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in the land based sector, the College has worked with a number of partners to focus on this important topic at the show.
Lambert Farm, Plumpton College’s working farm, has recently been sponsored by Lely Atlantic, who are innovators in modern farming technology. Their ‘Discovery Collector’ and ‘Juno’ robots will be on the stand, and are already in use at the farm. Two ‘Astronaut’ robotic milkers will be installed at the College in autumn, and more information will be available about these cutting edge machines at the show.
Local company Douch & Co, run by an ex-student, will be at the stand demonstrating their new tractor and bayler.
Handley Enterprises Plate Meter will be demonstrated by the Agricultural team, showing how they use this innovative equipment monitor pasture and feed throughout the year.
The Land Based Engineering team from Plumpton College will be there every day with one of the College tractors, showing how the students learn all about diagnostics in their curriculum. And the Agricultural team will be showing visitors how to be a soil scientist, looking at different soil types and how they can affect water courses.
Plumpton College also has a range of apprenticeship and training opportunities in the sector. The Business team will be at the show each day ready to talk about how to become an apprentice or provide advice on taking on apprenticeships. They will also be sharing information on the different industry training courses that the College provides.
Category: College News
Learn more about our history
Since the original 400-acre College farm was bought back in 1919, Plumpton College has certainly seen a lot of changes.
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