Letter To Students from Enquiries, Advice & Guidance Team
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Dear Students,
In these strange and uncertain times we wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you. We want to ensure you are kept up to date with the latest news for the college and that we are still expecting you to start your exciting journey with us at Plumpton College in September.
Understandably, many of you will be feeling worried about COVID-19 and the impact it might have on your application to join us in September. We want to reassure you that if you have been offered a place already to study at Plumpton College we still very much expect you. We would like to take a moment to answer some of you questions regarding applications, exams, enrolment, and entry requirements. We hope our answers will reassure you that these changes should not affect your future plans to study with us.
We want to assure you that we will be working hard, alongside your school, to support you through the process..
We will be in contact again soon with some work that you can be completing in preparation for joining us in September.
We hope you and your family stay safe during this time and hope that our answers will reassure you that current circumstances should not affect your application to study here at Plumpton College.
We look forward to welcoming you in September.
Best Wishes,
Enquiries, Advice & Guidance Team
Frequently Asked Questions
We have put together some frequent questions that we are getting, we hope these will help. If you have an additional question please do contact us at enquiries@plumpton.ac.uk
I have not yet had an interview?
Please do not worry! Our curriculum staff are working remotely. Over the coming weeks we will be in contact with you to arrange and conduct a remote interview.
If we are not sitting our GCSEs, will I still be able to come to Plumpton in September?
All Year 11s across the whole country are in the same position as you. Please be assured that we will be working closely with your school to help us choose the level and type of course that will suit you best. The Government have now issued guidance on how your grades will be determined and results will be available on 20th August. We will be available on this date to discuss your results with you and will ensure you are able to study here at Plumpton College at the most appropriate Level for you.
I am home schooled and was sitting my exams as an external candidate so I haven't got predicted grades
Please be reassured that you will not be disadvantaged by not having sat a GCSE exam. The English & maths team will ascertain the level you are working out in the first few weeks of term.
What should I do if my grades are lower than I expected?
We will be in contact with you on 20th August (GCSE Results Day) to discuss your results and how we can support you to still study at the college. We are also hoping to run an Open Event on this day so that you can visit the college to discuss your results if this is easier for you.
Do I need to complete any work before I start?
We will be in contact with you soon to let you know about some exciting work that you might like to complete over the next couple of months before joining us in September.
When will I enroll at Plumpton?
Enrolment week will start w/c 24th August. We will be in contact nearer the time with the day you will need to attend.
Category: Covid-19
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Since the original 400-acre College farm was bought back in 1919, Plumpton College has certainly seen a lot of changes.

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