Jim Green Memorial Competition - College team wins for third year running

01:00 - 01:00

Jim Green Memorial Competition - College team wins for third year running

The above competition has been held annually at the South of England Showground since 1999 in recognition of Jim Green's lifelong interest in the education and training of young people.  The competition is designed for students with mild or moderate learning difficulties attending Land-Based Colleges and Further Education Centres across the south-east. As well as providing evidence of work that they have completed on their training courses they also take part in a competition day of practical tasks. This year's competition took place on 11 March and seven students from the Rural Pathways course at the College took part.

Categories within the competition included:  producing a themed scarecrow, a collage , a sculpture, a  hedgehog home and an identification competition. See photographs of the college team  - The Rural Rascals - winning entries in the categories which enabled them to be overall winners of the competition.

Congratulations goes to all of the Rural Pathways students who helped to make the competition a success and in particular to the team members : Daniel Niven, Marco Glenister , Laurence Copnall , Daniel Harris, Craig Winter, Jordan Madge and Ryan Puttock. Ryan was also awarded a medal for Outstanding Contribution.

The College is very proud of the Rural Pathways for winning this competition for the third year running.

It is also very pleasing in that Jim Green was a great supporter of the College and was on the College Governors for many years including a spell as Chair of Governors.